Every Body
Everybody can
move better & feel better
LINK Performance
Optimizing movement
for athletes
LINK Education
Inspire, engage &
empower your clients
At LINK Advanced Movement Mechanics, we work with people that want to address physical performance, injury prevention and rehabilitation, as well as the professionals who support them.

Movement solutions
for work, sport and life
Building on a scientific base of Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy, balanced by the insights of a variety of mindful movement practices, we believe in linking the science of fluid, efficient movement to the pursuit of every individual’s optimal foundation for performance.
What we do
and who we are
Where health professionals repair damage to tissue, and fitness trainers and coaches train specifically for strength and cardio performance, the LINK team focuses on mobility and stability, on rewiring movement patterns to ensure proper biomechanics within appropriate loads—the essentials of efficient movement and your ability to access your full physical potential.
Sally Belanger, BPHE, BA, R.Kin
Sally earned her Bachelor of Arts and her Bachelor of Physical and Health Education from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and is a Registered Kinesiologist with the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.
Over the last eighteen years her reputation as an industry authority on Pilates-based core training has built her a global roster of clients, including many professional athletes. The foundation of Sally’s unique knowledge base is grounded in the science of anatomy, biomechanics and movement analysis.
Sally has presented at numerous industry trade shows and conferences globally, including IDEA World Fitness Convention, FIBO, Canfitpro, the annual ACE Personal Trainer Conference, and others.